
  • Created by: rhys321
  • Created on: 24-10-19 14:21
what does gender mean?
gender is about the roles of men and women
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how can prejudice affect life chances?
if people judge women negatively or stereotype them into roles, they may be denied access to power and life chances
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why do feminists argue that traditional gender roles are harmful to both males and females?
feminists argue that socialisation limits the opportunities open to both genders and affects life chances. they say that women are particularly affected by this
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what is a patriarchal society?
it is a male dominated society where men have the power and make decisions that women must obey
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why do sociologists talk about "gender quake"?
a gender quake describes the way that the balance of power has changed in society 1.there is less stereotyping 2.schools offer equal choices for boys and girls 3. girls are encouraged to study science and engineering
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what legislation has helped to improve the life chances of women?
equal opportunities laws have been passed 1. the equal pay act 1970 2. the sex discrimination act 1975 3. the equality act 2010
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what do sociologists mean by the crisis of masculinity?
the role of men has changed as women become more independent. they are no longer the head of the family or the main bread winner and there are less jobs involving strength and physical labour
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how are lone parent families evidence of gender inequality?
in 2017 there were 1.6 million female lone parent family's compared to 179,000 male lone parent family's
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how is pay gap evidence of gender inequality?
the gender pay gap was 17.4% in 1997 but shrunk to 9.4% in 2017. in 2018 only a quarter of directors of UK top firms are female
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why are women paid less when girls get better exam results then boys?
jobs are still linked to traditional female roles in caring professions such as nursing and childcare which are low paid jobs
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why are men more likely to be a victim of crime, in prison or commit suicide?
there is pressure on men to be physically fit or have a six pack and working class boys particular have bad exam results
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have women life chances and power improved? (for)
yes because 1. a woman is prime minister 2. more female MPs (32%) 3. symmetrical families are a social norm 4. equal opportunities have increased
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have women life chances and power improved (against)
1. women are shown in the media in traditional roles or as objects of beauty 2. the glass ceiling and gender pay gap still exists 3. women have domestic roles and a job
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mens life chances are declining (For)
1. male health is getting worse 2. men are less likely to look after their children when a relationship ends 3. physical strength and aggression are not seen as useful anymore
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mens life chances are declining (Against)
1. women are more likely then men to suffer anxiety or mental health problems 2. men still get the best jobs and earn higher wages 3. women working means that family life has suffered and both men and women need to work to maintain their S.L
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


how can prejudice affect life chances?


if people judge women negatively or stereotype them into roles, they may be denied access to power and life chances

Card 3


why do feminists argue that traditional gender roles are harmful to both males and females?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is a patriarchal society?


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Card 5


why do sociologists talk about "gender quake"?


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