Other questions in this quiz

2. Which hormone does the monoclonal antibody bind to on a pregnancy test if a women is pregnant?

  • HGH or hCG
  • LH
  • FSH

3. What is the name of the white blood cells produced to fight pathogens?

  • Antibodies
  • B lymphocytes
  • Antigens

4. How are monoclonal antibodies used in pregnancy tests?

  • The hormone HGH or hCG in urine binds to mobile antibodies. The bound antibody then attaches to an immobilised antibody, producing a colour change.
  • Monoclonal antibodies in the urine bind to hCG on the pregnancy stick, producing a line.

5. Why are cancer cells used in the production of monoclonal antibodies?

  • They make antibodies
  • They replicate quickly
  • They can produce anti-toxins to neutralise toxins produced by pathogens


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