GCSE Physics- Reflection and Refraction Practical

What is the first stage of this practical?
Draw a straight line down the middle of the paper.
1 of 17
What do you use the protractor for?
To draw a line at the right angles.
2 of 17
What is the line at the right angles known as?
The normal.
3 of 17
Where is the glass block placed?
Against the first line so that the normal is near the centre of the block.
4 of 17
What is the next step?
To draw around the glass block and turn all the lights off.
5 of 17
What is the ray box used for?
To direct ray of light so it hits the block and the normal.
6 of 17
What is this ray known as?
The incident ray.
7 of 17
What is the angle known as between the incident ray and the normal?
The angle of incidence.
8 of 17
Why do you need to adjust the ray box?
To change the angle of incidence.
9 of 17
Where can we see the light ray?
Leaving the block at the opposite side. This is the transmitted ray.
10 of 17
What happens now?
Turn on room lights and turn off ray box and remove glass block.
11 of 17
Which angles do you use a protractor to measure?
The angle of incidence and reflection.
12 of 17
Where is the angle of refraction?
Between the normal and the path of the transmitted ray.
13 of 17
What is the last stage?
Repeat experiment but replace material.
14 of 17
What will you notice about the angle of incidence and reflection?
They stay the same for both materials as the angles do not depend of the material.
15 of 17
What will you notice about the angle of refraction?
It changes depending on the material.
16 of 17
What will you notice about the angle of refraction?
It changes depending on the material.
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do you use the protractor for?


To draw a line at the right angles.

Card 3


What is the line at the right angles known as?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Where is the glass block placed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the next step?


Preview of the front of card 5
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