GCSE Economics - Unit 12 - China

what type of economy does China have?
socialist market economy
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what is a socialist market economy
It is based on the dominance of the state-owned sector and an open-market economy, and has its origins in the Chinese economic reforms introduced under Deng Xiaoping.
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what is China's GDP per capita?
6,807.43 USD
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china's economic objectives
Economic Growth (6.5-7% Target), Full Employment (less than 4.5%), Stable Prices (Inflation of 3%), Balance of Payments
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what is China's ideal stable gtowth rate?
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what is China's ideal Economic Growth rate?
a 6.5 - 7% Target
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Full Employment (less than 4.5%)
less than 4.5%
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what is China's fourth economic objective, that has not already been mentioned?
Balance of Payments
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postive externalizes within china
Three Gorges Dam, Agglomerations, Wage Increases and Urbanisation
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negative externalizes within china
Income Inequality, Property Boom, Insufficient Power and Pollution
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how Insufficient Power affects the Chinese population?
A summary measure of the information contained in the Lorenz Curve of an economy. The closer the Gini coefficient is to 1, the greater the income inequality. The closer the Gini coefficient is to 0, the greater the income equality.
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china's current Gini coefficient in 2015
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the percentage of the population of china that is below poverty line in 2012
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average wage in china in 2012
28,752 yuan (about $4,755)
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China's unemployment rate (2015)
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China's Economic Growth rate (%)
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Chinas current account value (2015) (USD)
$376.00 USD
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china's inflation rate (2017)
2.82 %
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does type of economic growth does china want?
19 of 20
China's GDP cost (USD) (2016)
$11,39 trillion USD
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Card 2


what is a socialist market economy


It is based on the dominance of the state-owned sector and an open-market economy, and has its origins in the Chinese economic reforms introduced under Deng Xiaoping.

Card 3


what is China's GDP per capita?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


china's economic objectives


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is China's ideal stable gtowth rate?


Preview of the front of card 5
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