Functionalist theories of religion

What is meant by the sacred and the profane?
The sacred are set apart and forbidden, inspire feelings of awe and wonder and are surrounded by taboos and prohibition. The profane have no special significance and are ordinary and mundane. Religions worship the sacred as a collective group.
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What did worshipping the sacred mean for Durkheim?
Members are worshipping something greater with great power, must be society since it is the only thing powerful enough to evoke this. When they're worshipping the sacred they're worshipping society. Even though these symbols vary, they unite society.
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What is Totemism?
He studied the Arunta clan- bands of kin come together to worship the totem, which could be an animal or plant. They can symbolise the clan's origins and identity. These rituals reinforce that&serve to reinforce the group's solidarity and belonging.
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What does worshipping totems mean?
When people worship these totems, they're worshipping society, even though they're not aware of this fact. The totem inspires feelings of awe in the clan's members because it represents the power of the group with individuals 'utterly independent'
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What is the collective conscience?
The shared norms, values, beliefs and knowledge that make social life and cooperation between individuals possible, or society would disintegrate.
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What does religion do for the collective conscience?
It maintains this social integration, binding individuals together, reminding individuals they owe their loyalty to their community. Such rituals also remind people the power of society- to which they owe everything to and are nothing without.
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What does religion do for the individual?
It makes us feel like we're apart of something greater than ourselves, reinvigorating to face life's trials and motivates us to overcome obstacles that would otherwise defeat us.
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What are the cognitive functions of religion?
Durkheim sees it as the source of our intellectual capacities. For example, to think at all we need categories such as time, number, etc and we need people to follow the same categories as us.
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How is religion one of these origins?
The idea about a creator at the beginning of time provides evidence for the concept of time. The division of cleans gives humans their first notion of classification. Thus for Durkheim, religion is the origin of human thought, reason and science
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What are Worsley's criticisms?
no sharp division between the sacred&profane&different clans share the same totems. if Durkheim is right about totemism, it doesnt mean he has the essence for all religions. could apply to small societies but not large ones w/ more than one religion
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Mestrovic's criticisms
Durkheim can't be applied to contemporary societies because increasing has fragmented the collective conscience, so theres no longer a single shared value system for religion to reinforce.
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What is Malinowski's view of religion?
It helps them deal with psychological functions. Such as when the outcome is important but uncertain-Trobriand islanders: contrasting fishing in the ocean to the lagoon
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Explain lagoon fishing
It is safe and uses the predictable and successful method of poisoning. When the islanders fish in the lagoon, there is no ritual
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Explain Ocean fishing?
It is dangerous and uncertain, accompanied by 'canoe magic', to ensure a safe expedition. This gives a sense of control, easing tension and giving confidence to overcome tasks, reinforcing social solidarity.
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How does religion aid life crisis?
Religion aids life crisis by minimising disruption. For example, funerals reinforce a feeling of solidarity amongst survivors, while the notion of immorality soothes. Malinowski argues that death is the main reason for religious belief.
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In Parsons' view, how does religion legitimate central values help individuals cope?
It creates and legitimates society's central values by sacralising them. Thus in the usa, protestantism has sacralised the core American values of individualism, meritocracy and self discipline. This promotes value consensus and social stability
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How does religion work as the primary source of meaning?
It answers the questions such as why the good suffer and why people die young. Such events make life meaningless&undermine societal commitment. Religion acts as a test of faith by rewarding them adjusting&maintaining stability
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What is civil religion? (Bellah)
It unifies America and attaches sacred qualities to society itself. In the American case, it is the faith in Americanism
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How does civil religion work?
Civil religion unites society how the church can't. Civil religion unites America through loyalty and the belief in god ( qualities of a true american)
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How is civil religion expressed?
Symbols and beliefs such as the national anthem, allegiance to the flags, the lincoln memorial and phrases such as 'one nation under God'. This is based on the American God-uniting all backgrounds and scaralising american life
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What are functional alternatives to religion?
Beliefs and practices that perfom functions similar to those of organised religion, such as reinforcing shared values or maintaining social cohesion
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An example? (Bellah)
Although American civil religion requires the belief in God, this isn't always the case. Some other system could perform the same function. For example, Nazi Germany and the soviet union had secular political beliefs and rituals to unite society
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What is an issue with functional alternatives?
It ignores what makes religion distinctive; the belief in the supernatural
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Issues with functionalism?
It neglects the negatives in religion, such as oppression of women or the poor, it ignores religion as a source of division or conflict in areas of religious pluralism&it's hard to see civil religion as a religion w/o the belief in the supernatural
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Members are worshipping something greater with great power, must be society since it is the only thing powerful enough to evoke this. When they're worshipping the sacred they're worshipping society. Even though these symbols vary, they unite society.


What did worshipping the sacred mean for Durkheim?

Card 3


He studied the Arunta clan- bands of kin come together to worship the totem, which could be an animal or plant. They can symbolise the clan's origins and identity. These rituals reinforce that&serve to reinforce the group's solidarity and belonging.


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Card 4


When people worship these totems, they're worshipping society, even though they're not aware of this fact. The totem inspires feelings of awe in the clan's members because it represents the power of the group with individuals 'utterly independent'


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Card 5


The shared norms, values, beliefs and knowledge that make social life and cooperation between individuals possible, or society would disintegrate.


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