
Why does Durkheim regard crime as inevitable in all societies?
Not everyone is equally/effectively socialised into shared norms + values of society making some people more prone to deviate. Furthermore in complex modern societies there is diversity of values meaning that subcultures may be formed with norms + values
1 of 9
Identify 2 ways in which crime + deviance may have positive functions.
C+D ensures boundary maintenance- when members of the public unite in condemnation of wrongdoings upholding social solidarity and discouraging others from rule breaking. Adaptation and change- all change starts with an act of deviance as new ideas will of
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Explain the difference between goals and means.
Goals are factors in society that determine whether you are successful or not e.g. owning a car whereas as means are the legitimate opportunities available to obtain these e.g. ethic minorities may face discrimination in the job market.
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Explain the difference between ritualism and retreatism.
Ritualism applies to individuals who have given up achieving societal goals yet still follow the rules of society e.g. low status office workers stuck in dead-end jobs. Whereas retreatism refers to individuals who have given up the goals and legitimate me
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In what sense is Merton's theory deterministic?
It suggests that all members of the wc are prone to deviate as they face the most strain yet this is not the case.
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What is meant by non-utilitarian crime?
Non-utilitarian crimes refer to crimes which don't have a monetary gain e.g. vandalism, murder, assault.
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What is meant by status frustration?
When disadvantaged groups in society e.g. wc boys, have a low status hierarchy and are unable to gain status through legitimate means like education.
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In Cloward + Ohlin's view, why are there different types of deviant subcultures?
Because as well as unequal access to legitimate means, there is also unequal access to illegitimate opportunity structures e.g. youths who grow up in the countryside and fail their schooling may not be able to join a gang like their peers in London.
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Identify 2 features of American society that Messner + Rosenfeld claim produce high crime rates.
An obsession with money success leads to crime as people may adopt an 'anything goes' mentality in pursuit of wealth. Economic goals are valued above all, undermining other institutions. E.g. schools prepare students for the labour market at the expense o
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Card 2


Identify 2 ways in which crime + deviance may have positive functions.


C+D ensures boundary maintenance- when members of the public unite in condemnation of wrongdoings upholding social solidarity and discouraging others from rule breaking. Adaptation and change- all change starts with an act of deviance as new ideas will of

Card 3


Explain the difference between goals and means.


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Card 4


Explain the difference between ritualism and retreatism.


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Card 5


In what sense is Merton's theory deterministic?


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