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6. Weltpolitik

  • World Politics
  • Domestic policy
  • Work Schemes

7. Zollverein

  • Customs Union
  • Attack on Catholic Church
  • Bringing people together

8. Schonheid der Arbeit

  • Work Schemes
  • Beauty of Labour
  • Strength throgh Joy

9. Flottenpolitik

  • Building of navy
  • Building of army
  • Navy League

10. Feldjager

  • Security Service
  • SA own police force
  • Regular Police

11. Doppelverdiener

  • Work Schemes
  • Double Earners
  • Dance

12. Sammlungspolitik

  • Coordination
  • Bringing together
  • Union between countries

13. Dreikaiserbund

  • Customs Union
  • Three Emperors Alliance
  • Triple Alliance

14. Gleichschaltung

  • Coordination
  • Sole Rule
  • Wolrd Politics

15. Schmachfrieden

  • Sole Rule
  • Shameful Peace
  • Novermber Criminals

16. Kraft durch Freude

  • Work Schemes
  • Strength through joy
  • Beauty of Labour

17. Arbeitdienst

  • Sole rule
  • Work Schemes
  • Women's Front

18. Primat der Innenpolitik

  • Primacy of domestic politics
  • Formed to draw peasantry
  • Women's Front