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6. What does "voici" mean?

  • called
  • Here is/are
  • really
  • There is/are

7. What does "des" mean? (des cahiers)

  • it
  • some
  • the
  • by

8. How would you rate this?

  • 0.00000000000000000000000000001
  • 0/10
  • Over 9000 stars
  • Bad

9. What does "prenez" mean?

  • Open......
  • Take.....
  • Listen.....
  • Look.....

10. What is the number "21" in french?

  • vingt ay un
  • vingt et un
  • vingt-un
  • vangt ay uh

11. What two endings show that a word is feminine gendered 80% of the time?

  • -e and -ion
  • -eee and eyon
  • -i and -eon
  • -e and aeon