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6. If the following scores are transformed into ordinal values (smallest = first), what rank(s) should be assigned to the three individuals with scores of X = 8? Scores: 3, 4, 6, 8, 8, 8, 10, 15

  • 4, 5, and 6
  • All get a rank of 6
  • All get a rank of 5
  • All get a rank of 4

7. when would a Kruskal Wallis test be used?

  • one IV with 3 levels & a within subjects
  • one IV with 2 levels & a between subjects
  • one IV with 3 levels & a between subjects
  • one IV with 2 levels & a within subjects

8. What does a non-significant Shapiro-wilk test show

  • our distribution isn't deviating to what it should be like if there was a perfect distribution
  • our data distributed is significantly different to what the deviation should be like
  • our distribution is deviating to what it should be

9. in Conover’s post hoc comparison, which column do we look to reduce the chnaces of T1 & 2 errors?

  • df
  • Pbonf
  • p
  • Pholm

10. what 2 tests can we run if we want a more objective view of a histogram instead of eyeballing it , which is subjective

  • Skewness & kurtosis
  • Skewness & post host
  • Skewness & kurkshall
  • Skewers & kurtosis

11. What data is used in the frieidamn's ANOVA

  • nominal
  • interval
  • ordinal
  • ratio