Fossile fuels

Where does coal come from?
Ferns, plants & trees +pressure and heat
1 of 11
Where does oil come from?
Algae, sea plankton + pressure and heat
2 of 11
Where does natural gas come from?
Algae, sea plankton + more pressure and heat
3 of 11
What does a transformer do in a power station?
It increases voltage.
4 of 11
What does a Generator do in a power station?
It generates electricity.
5 of 11
What does the boiler do in a power station?
The boiler boils the water to produce steam to power the generator.
6 of 11
What does the turbine do in a power station?
It spins due to high pressure steam.
7 of 11
What are some advantages of fossil fuels?
- They are one of the largest producers of electricity
-It is good to meet basic demand
-It gives a lot of power
-Easy to extract
-Short start up time
8 of 11
What are some disadvantages of fossil fuels?
-Produces carbon dioxide
-Contributes to climate change
-Not renewable
-Becomes more expensive over time
-Acid rain
9 of 11
What are some advantages of a Nuclear power station?
-Reliable generation of electricity
-No CO2or SO2 produced
-Good to meet basic demand
10 of 11
What are some disadvantages of a Nuclear power station?
-Radioactive materials are dangerous
-Radioactive products need to be disposed of
-Expensive to decommission
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where does oil come from?


Algae, sea plankton + pressure and heat

Card 3


Where does natural gas come from?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does a transformer do in a power station?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does a Generator do in a power station?


Preview of the front of card 5
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