Formation of stars

  • Created by: mccali13
  • Created on: 15-11-18 10:27
Interstellar medium
The material of dust and gas in vast areas between stars and galaxies is called Interstellar Medium ISM
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Gigantic clouds of dust and has (mainly hydrogen) x100’s larger than our own solar system. They are the birth place of stars.
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Interstellar Dust
Specks of matter floating in space resulting from the clustering of a small number of molecules formed in various ways; By stars By the condensation of molecules in space By supernova explosions
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A very hot, very dense sphere of condensing dust and gas that is on the way to becoming a star.
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A process in which two smaller nuclei join together to form one larger nucleus
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Radiation pressure, Gas pressure
These pressures together act outwards from the star balancing the gravitational forces that act to compress the star. Radiation pressure—from photons during fusion Gas pressure—from the nuclei in the core These maintain an equilibrium.
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Brown dwarf
Are failed stars that never become hot enough to burn hydrogen so never make it onto the main sequence.
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A body orbiting around a planet.
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An object in orbit around a star 3 important characteristics: 1) Mass large enough for gravity to give it a round shape 2) No fusion reactions Cleared its orbit of most other objects e.g. asteroids
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Dwarf planets
A body orbiting a star that is large enough to be rounded by its own gravity but has not cleared its orbit of other objects
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Objects too small and uneven to be planets, usually orbiting the sun
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Planetary satellites
A body orbiting around a planet (moons and mas-made satellites included)
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Solar systems
The collection of all material within the gravitational pull of the sun. All the planets, moons, asteroids, and other smaller stellar objects reside within the solar system.
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A collection of stars, and interstellar dust and gas. Approx. 100 billion stars in an average galaxy
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Small irregular bodies made up of ice, dust and small pieces of rock.
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Small irregular bodies made up of ice, dust and small pieces of rock.
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Card 2


Gigantic clouds of dust and has (mainly hydrogen) x100’s larger than our own solar system. They are the birth place of stars.



Card 3


Specks of matter floating in space resulting from the clustering of a small number of molecules formed in various ways; By stars By the condensation of molecules in space By supernova explosions


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Card 4


A very hot, very dense sphere of condensing dust and gas that is on the way to becoming a star.


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Card 5


A process in which two smaller nuclei join together to form one larger nucleus


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