Form in Poetry

  • Created by: Hayley
  • Created on: 19-05-14 14:30
most commonly used as mnemonic devices and word games for children, such as those written by Dr Suess and Edward Gorey
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used in much od the world's religious and devotional poetry, including numberous Biblical Psalms, one of the world's oldest poetic techniques
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their subject matter dealt with religious themes, love, tragedy, domestic crimes and sometimes even political propaganda
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one of the principal forms of music and poetry in 14th and 15th century France
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not unlike the Shakespearean sonnet in trajectory, a form of poetic argument consisting of three stanzas
the bop
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typically takes on themes such as struggle, despair, and sex
blues poem
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from the Latin word for 'patchwork', made up of lines from poems by other poets
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found in European languages, origin of the form dates back to medieval French poetry
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poet speaks through an assumed voice - a character, a fictional identity, or a persona
dramatic monologue
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modern ekphrastic poems have generally shrugged off antiquity’s obsession with elaborate description, and instead have tried to interpret, inhabit, confront, and speak to their subjects
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three stages of loss - first, there is a lament, then praise for the idealized dead, and finally consolation and solace
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superhuman deeds, fabulous adventures, highly stylized language, and a blending of lyrical and dramatic traditions
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candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker
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from the Latin ‘epistula’ for ‘letter’—are, quite literally, poems that read as letters
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literary equivalent of a collage, often made from newspaper articles, street signs, graffiti, speeches, letters, or even other poems
found poetry
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traditionally invoking melancholy, love, longing, and metaphysical questions, are often sung by Iranian, Indian, and Pakistani musicians
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a journey composed of a prose poem and ending with a meaningful murmur of sorts
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often focusing on images from nature, emphasizes simplicity, intensity, and directness of expression
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a poem with such a rigid rhyme scheme, did not start off as a fixed form
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The earliest _____ were devotionals written by Patrick Carey, a seventeenth-century Benedictine monk
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invented by the Italian poet Dante Alighiere in the late thirteenth century to structure his three-part epic poem, The Divine Comedy
terza rima
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One of the oldest Japanese forms, originated in the seventh century, and quickly became the preferred verse form in the Japanese Imperial Court
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from the Italian sonetto, which means ‘a little sound or song,' a popular classical form that has compelled poets for centuries
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the thirty-nine-line form is attributed to Arnaut Daniel, the Provencal troubadour of the twelfth century
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dates back to ancient Greece and is named for the poet Sappho, who left behind many poem fragments written in an unmistakable meter
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began as a lyric form in thirteenth-century France, popular among medieval court poets and musicians
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began over seven hundred years ago in Japan to encourage the collaborative composition of poems
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refers to a lineage of creative works that idealize rural life and landscapes
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plants one foot in prose, the other in poetry, both heels resting precariously on banana peels
prose poem
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originated in Malaysia in the fifteenth-century as a short folk poem, typically made up of two rhyming couplets that were recited or sung
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although poetry and mathematics often seem to be incompatible areas of study, this seeks to connect them
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originally accompanied by music and dance, and later reserved by the Romantic poets to convey their strongest sentiments
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a popular form in children’s verse, often comical, nonsensical, and sometimes even lewd.
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Card 2


used in much od the world's religious and devotional poetry, including numberous Biblical Psalms, one of the world's oldest poetic techniques



Card 3


their subject matter dealt with religious themes, love, tragedy, domestic crimes and sometimes even political propaganda


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Card 4


one of the principal forms of music and poetry in 14th and 15th century France


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Card 5


not unlike the Shakespearean sonnet in trajectory, a form of poetic argument consisting of three stanzas


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