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Card 26


Research on animals cannot be generalised. There are other factors involved in impulse control and violence so it is difficult to make a causal link and individual differences are not taken into account.


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Card 27


Biochemical explanations are reductionist as they simplify criminal behaviour. It is likely the issue is far more complex than level of biochemicals in the brain.


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Card 28


APD is associated with reduced emotional responses, a lack of empathy for the feelings of others. Research on APD brain found reduced activity in the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that regulates emotional behaviour.


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Card 29


The limbic system is a central part of the brain where emotions are modulated. Criminal psychopaths have problems processing emotions and empathy and so have a lack of remote and guilt due to faults in the limbic system.


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Card 30


A clear link between abnormal process and crime may not be appropriate, it could be due to brain trauma however not everyone with head injury commits crime so cause and effect is not clear. Individual differences.


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Card 31


Sample sizes are small and target populations are hard to access. Using scanning techniques are time consuming and expensive. This effects the extent to which results can be generalised.


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Card 32


All personality types including the criminal personality have an innate biological basis. Extraverts have an under active nervous system which means they constantly seek excitement, stimulation and are likely to engage in risk taking behaviours.


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Card 33


The criminal personality is neurotic-extravert and a typical offender will also score highly on measures of psychoticism characterised by cold, unemotional and prone to aggression.


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Card 34


Personality is also linked to criminal behaviour via socialisation processes. Criminal behaviour is developmentally immature, selfish and concerned with immediate gratification. Impatient and cannot wait for things.


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Card 35


They therefore do not easily learn to respond to antisocial impulses with anxiety. More likely to act antisocially where the opportunity presents itself.


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