Forensic investigation -Case assessment

  • Created by: aarafa11
  • Created on: 25-01-20 18:13
what happened in the Birmingham six case
Accused of bombing a pub in Birmingham in 1974. The suspect’s hands were swabbed for nitro-glycerine found in explosives.•Scientist used a GRISS test which is confirmative for nitrogen compounds but only presumptive for nitro-glycycerine
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what was wrong with the birmingham six case
he 6 had been playing cards prior to the time of the bombings so had transferred nitrocellulose onto their hands. scientist unethical in not stating that the GRISS test was not confirmative for the nitro glycerine
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what happened in the Guildford four case
GC/MS was used to identify nitro-glycerine. This is a conclusive test. It was found under the fingernails of the defendants. scientist -‘consistent with them kneading explosives’.
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what was wrong with the Guildford four case
not considered the possibility of getting nitroglycerine under the fingernails via secondary transfer i.e. a bar of soa
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what is the Adam Scott case (from Devon)
accused of ****** a woman in Manchester in October 2011. plastic tray containing a sample of his DNA was re-used in the analysis of a swab from a **** victim in Plant Hill Park, Blackley. The result of that test linked him to the crime
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what was wrong with Adam Scott's case
charges were dropped when it emerged a DNA sample had been contaminated at LGC Forensics
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what is CAI
method that was originally developed by the Forensic science service (closed). To ensure that work undertaken by scientists meets the needs of the customer, offers value for money and serves the purpose of the criminal justice system
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what is the idea of the CAI
scientist should evaluate the likely results of the analysis & should do this BEFORE they start the analysis. work with the person/ organisation that is commissioning their services to ensure that the work planned will meet the customers needs
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what are the overlapping phases in the CAI
customer requirement, case pre-assessment and service delivery
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what are the heirachy of propositions
1) source - source of trace evidence 2) activity - the activity that CREATED the trace evidence 3) offence - criminal act that caused the trace evidence
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Card 2


what was wrong with the birmingham six case


he 6 had been playing cards prior to the time of the bombings so had transferred nitrocellulose onto their hands. scientist unethical in not stating that the GRISS test was not confirmative for the nitro glycerine

Card 3


what happened in the Guildford four case


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Card 4


what was wrong with the Guildford four case


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Card 5


what is the Adam Scott case (from Devon)


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