First Past The Post

  • Created by: LDOakes
  • Created on: 08-06-22 19:09
What type of system is FPTP?
Simple plurality system
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How does FPTP work in the UK?
Candidates represent their constituencies and win one of the 650 seats in Parliament if they get the most votes.
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How is the government formed?
The party with the most seats forms the government
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How can FPTP lead to a strong government with a clear mandate to carry out its policies?
If the winning party wins a clear majority (>50%). This rarely happens though, which means it often ends up being unrepresentative.
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Give two advantages of FPTP
-easy to undestand and vote
-gives voters clear choice
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FPTP creates a ___ party system
FPTP creates a two party system (e.g Labour won 418 seats in 1997)
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How is FPTP good at representing constituents?
The average constituency size in England is 72,000 and MPs hold surgeries to listen to their constituents.
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Is FPTP a proportional system?
No, as votes do not translate to seats
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How do parties with conentrated support have an advantage over those whose support is more thinly spread?
Concentrated support wins seats for example SNP got 56 seats from 1.4 million votes in 2015 but UKIP only got 1 seat from 3.8 million votes
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Why might some voters dislike 'safe seats'?
Knowing that a certain party is guarenteed to win (e.g Conservatives getting over 60% in Maidenhead during 2017) makes voters feel unrepresented
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Give an example of wasted votes under FPTP
67% of votes were wasted in North East Fife Constituency during 2017 when the SNP won a majority of just 2 votes
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Card 2


How does FPTP work in the UK?


Candidates represent their constituencies and win one of the 650 seats in Parliament if they get the most votes.

Card 3


How is the government formed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can FPTP lead to a strong government with a clear mandate to carry out its policies?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give two advantages of FPTP


Preview of the front of card 5
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