Filter theory

  • Created by: danpurdy1
  • Created on: 26-10-17 23:27
Define filter theory
An explanation of relationship formation
1 of 10
What does the filter theory state?
That a series of different factors limit the number of available partners
2 of 10
What are the three filters include?
Social demography, Similarity in attitudes, Complementarity
3 of 10
What does social demography refer to?
A range of factors that influence if partners meet
4 of 10
Define demographics
Features that describe populations
5 of 10
Name five example of demographics
Location, Social class, Level of education, Ethnic group, Religion
6 of 10
What is the outcome of the social demography filter?
Homogamy = likely to form relationship with someone who is socially or culturally similar
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What does the similarity in attitudes filter?
Partners who share basic values which are attractive in the early stages of a relationship
8 of 10
What happens as the relationship develops?
Similarity becomes less important
9 of 10
What does the complementarity filter?
Balancing traits with opposite ones of their own
10 of 10

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Card 2


What does the filter theory state?


That a series of different factors limit the number of available partners

Card 3


What are the three filters include?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does social demography refer to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Define demographics


Preview of the front of card 5
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