Fertilisation within plants

  • Created by: exam yes
  • Created on: 14-01-19 20:30
How are plants charcaterised and how is the dominant generation identified?
By their ability to alternate between generations during their life cycle. There are two generations where spores and gametes are produced and each plat has a dominanat generation where photosynthesis takes place
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What is a gametophyte?
This generation species produces gametes which will eventualy fertilise together to give an embryo which will then form a sporophyte
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What is a sporophyte?
Sporophytes produce spores which eventually germinate to give a gametophyte.
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What is a mosses dominant generation and what type of sex do they undergo?
Mossess dominanat generation is the gametophyte as the green moss produces gamates which will fuse when the moss is wet which is known as swimming sex
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What is protected sex in plants and what unique type of gametophytyes are produced here?
Gametes are held within ovules, cones or pollen grains. This is also where male and female gametophytes are produced by male and female spores
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What gametes are produced during protected sex from male and female gametophytes?
Female ovum and male sperm fertilise to produce a sporophyte
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What does sex in flowering / fruit plants involve and where is the ovary kept?
Involves a female Pistil where the ovary is contained
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What is the male gametophyte in flowering / fruit plants and how does fertilisation occur?
Pollen is the male gametophyte fertilisation occurs when pollen falls on to the stigma - top of the pistil - and fertilises the ovule in the ovary which produces fruit containing seeds.
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Which stage of a plants life cycle is diploid and which is haploid and how does it change between the two?
Diploid is the sporophyte generation with 2n chromosmes, meiosis then occur to produce spores which are haploid - n chromosomes. Gametophyte generation is haploid due to the spores germinating giving the gametophyte generation.
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What is the process where gametes are made by haploid gametophytes?
Gametes are made by mitosis which fuse to make an embryo
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a gametophyte?


This generation species produces gametes which will eventualy fertilise together to give an embryo which will then form a sporophyte

Card 3


What is a sporophyte?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a mosses dominant generation and what type of sex do they undergo?


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Card 5


What is protected sex in plants and what unique type of gametophytyes are produced here?


Preview of the front of card 5
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