Feminist theories of religion

How do feminists see society?
Feminists see society as patriarchal - that is, based on male domination
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Evidence of patriarchy..
Religious organisations. Places of worship. Sacred texts. Religious laws and customs.
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Why are religious organisations evidence of patriarchy?
They are mainly male dominated. E.g. Orthodox Judaism and Catholicism forbid women to become priests.
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Why are places of worship evidence of patriarchy?
They divide the sexes and marginalise women. Men take up the most sacred spaces. Taboos that regard menstruation, pregnancy and childbirth as polluting. E.g. when menstruating, women cannot touch the Qur'an.
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Why are sacred texts evidence of patriarchy?
They largely feature the doings of male gods and are usually written and/or interpretated by men. Stories often reflect anti-female stereotypes, e.g. Eve in the story of Genesis.
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Why are religious laws and customs evidence of patriarchy?
Women may have fewer rights than men e.g. access to divorce. Many religions legitimate and regulate women's traditional domestic and reproductive role, e.g. the Catholic church bans abortion and artificial contraception.
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Card 2


Evidence of patriarchy..


Religious organisations. Places of worship. Sacred texts. Religious laws and customs.

Card 3


Why are religious organisations evidence of patriarchy?


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Card 4


Why are places of worship evidence of patriarchy?


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Card 5


Why are sacred texts evidence of patriarchy?


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