Feminist Theories of Religion

What is religion’s function according to Feminists?
To act as patriarchal ideology that legitimates female subordination
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How do places of worship restrict women?
By segregating the sexes, restricting their participation, and regarding subjects such as menstruation as taboo
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How are sacred texts evidence of patriarchy?
They largely feature male figures and anti-female stereotypes, and are usually written/interpreted by men
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How do religious laws and customs favour men?
They give women fewer rights than men, like in dress code or decision making
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What does Woodhead say about the exclusion of women from Catholic priesthood?
It is evidence of the Church’s deep unease regarding women in power
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What does Karen Armstrong argue?
Religion often placed women at the centre until the rise of monotheistic religions
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Who argues that not religion is not the direct cause women’s subordination?
El Saadawi
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Who spoke about religious forms of feminism?
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According to Gilliat-Ray, why do some British Muslims choose to wear a hijab?
For them it is a symbol of liberation
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What is a piety movement?
A conservative movement that supports traditional teachings about women’s role
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How does Brusco argue that women are able to increase their power and influence in piety movements?
They are able to influence men’s behaviour, especially in Pentecostal groups where it’s a belief that men should respect women
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do places of worship restrict women?


By segregating the sexes, restricting their participation, and regarding subjects such as menstruation as taboo

Card 3


How are sacred texts evidence of patriarchy?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do religious laws and customs favour men?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What does Woodhead say about the exclusion of women from Catholic priesthood?


Preview of the front of card 5
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