
What is a household?
The group of people living together in the same domestic dwelling. In some cases family and household may be the same thing.
1 of 15
What are the different family structures?
Nuclear family, Extended family, Reconstituted family, Lone-parent family, Same sex family, Empty nest family, Beanpole Family
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What is a conjugal bond?
The attachment that exists between marriage partners.
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Why are there more divorces now that 50 years ago?
Change in attitudes (less social stigma), new lawas make divorce easier to obtain, people expect too much from marriage, fewer marriages in church so less religious objections, the role of women have changed.
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What are the consequences of divorce on the couple?
Have less money, can become stressed, more remarrages and more cohabiting relationships.
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What are the consequenses of divorce on the family?
Kids have to adjust to new set of relationships, keep in touch with the other parent, have two famlies so more presents.
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What is "segregated conjugal roles"?
Husband and wife perform different tasks and have a number of different interests and activities.
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What are "intergrated conjugal roles"?
Husband and wife perform similar tasks and have a number of common intersests and activities.
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What is "Family life course diversity"?
The different family types that an individual experiences over their life couse.
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What is the functionalist view of the family?
They think that nuclear family is necessary and important for society. They argue that they perform functions for individuals and society; Reproduction, Primary socialisation, Emotional support, Economic support.
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What is the new right approach to the family?
Similar to to functionalists. Nuclear family works best at meeting society and it's children. Women have caring role and men have breadwinner role.
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What is the marxist approach to the family?
Critical of the nuclear family and the role it plays in maintaining the capital system. The nuclear family; supports the capitalist people and recreat inequalities.
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What is the feminist approach to the family?
Think society is patriarchal and nuclear families benefit men more than women. See primary socialisation as a gendered process.
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How have parent/child relationships changed?
Relationships are less authoritarian, relationships are more child centred, young people are more financially dependent on their families for longer.
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What is the change in patterns of fertility and why are these changes happening?
Women born in the UK are having fewer children that they were 30 years ago and are having them at a later age. Because; changing attitudes to family size, later marriage, availability of effective birth control.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the different family structures?


Nuclear family, Extended family, Reconstituted family, Lone-parent family, Same sex family, Empty nest family, Beanpole Family

Card 3


What is a conjugal bond?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why are there more divorces now that 50 years ago?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the consequences of divorce on the couple?


Preview of the front of card 5
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