
  • Created by: ksmith907
  • Created on: 05-02-20 10:07
nuclear family
a two-generational family containing a hetrosexual mrried or cohabiting couple and their child or children who live together
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reconstituted family
a blended or step family in which one or both partners have a child or children from a previous relationship living with them
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lone-parent family
a family in which one parent live with their child or children
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same sex family
a family in which a gay or lesbian couple {married, civil partnership or cohabiting} live together with their child or children
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exteneded family
a group of relatives extending beyond the nuclear family. classic extended family :three genatration lice together or nearby. modified extended family : memebrs live apart geographically but have regular contact and support
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Card 2


a blended or step family in which one or both partners have a child or children from a previous relationship living with them


reconstituted family

Card 3


a family in which one parent live with their child or children


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


a family in which a gay or lesbian couple {married, civil partnership or cohabiting} live together with their child or children


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


a group of relatives extending beyond the nuclear family. classic extended family :three genatration lice together or nearby. modified extended family : memebrs live apart geographically but have regular contact and support


Preview of the back of card 5


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