Explore the ways that Mishima portrays the importance of tradition and social harmony in two incidents in the novel.

  • Created by: yamamm123
  • Created on: 19-04-21 03:11
Hatsue goes to the lighthouse to learn about traditions on the island and proper etiquette
“The mistress of the lighthouse gave lessons in etiquette and homemaking for the girls in the village”
“When you wear a blue skirt, Hatsue-san, you ought to wear black hose.
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Shinji visits the shrine many times in the book to pray or thank the gods
“Perhaps it was the sea god, accepting the boy’s prayer.”
“But mightn’t the gods punish me for such a selfish prayer?”
“He had already climbed to the rear of Yashiro Shrine when he remembered that he had not yet offered a prayer of thanks to the god for h
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Monthly commemoration to pray for his father’s death
“The whole family was going to visit the grave, as they did every month” - shows respect and it’s a tradition to visit their dead family members.
“They had chosen a time before the boats set out and before his brother’s school” - the importance of visitin
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The tradition of the Bushido code
Politeness: Shinji demonstrated the aspect of politeness through the times when he brought part of his catch to the lighthouse keepers
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Many of the single men on the island go and attend the young men’s association
“That night Shinji attended the regular meeting of the Young Men’s Association.”
“The young men were awaiting the arrival of their president, Yasuo Kawamoto.”
We can see that this group meeting is something that is done regularly on the island and allows
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Shinji often brings fish for the lighthouse keeper and his wife
“Father, Kubo-san has brought us a fish.”
From another room the good-natured voice of the lighthouse-keeper answered familiarly:
“Thank you, thank you. Come on in, Shinji boy.”
Shows the tradition they have of giving back
Portrays the respect Shinji has f
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The pearl diving competitions between the diving women
“THE YOUNG GIRLS of the island faced the arrival of the diving season”
“The divers of Uta-Jima were at their busiest during June and July. ”
On the island of Uta-Jima, the women dive and have competitions against one another.
Hatsue, a newcomer and a youn
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The tale about how it is bad luck to have one priest or one woman on a boat
“In their village, there was a saying: “Never have aboard one woman or one priest.”
Traditional tale that has been told to many
This shows that they are superstitious and believe in supernatural things
The story involving a boat that had a dead woman be
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Card 2


“Perhaps it was the sea god, accepting the boy’s prayer.”
“But mightn’t the gods punish me for such a selfish prayer?”
“He had already climbed to the rear of Yashiro Shrine when he remembered that he had not yet offered a prayer of thanks to the god for h


Shinji visits the shrine many times in the book to pray or thank the gods

Card 3


“The whole family was going to visit the grave, as they did every month” - shows respect and it’s a tradition to visit their dead family members.
“They had chosen a time before the boats set out and before his brother’s school” - the importance of visitin


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Card 4


Politeness: Shinji demonstrated the aspect of politeness through the times when he brought part of his catch to the lighthouse keepers


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Card 5


“That night Shinji attended the regular meeting of the Young Men’s Association.”
“The young men were awaiting the arrival of their president, Yasuo Kawamoto.”
We can see that this group meeting is something that is done regularly on the island and allows


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