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Card 6


The fact that risk factors trigger sleep walking in only some people suggests that some individuals may have an --------- vulnerability for sleep walking.


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Card 7


One possibility for why sleep walking is more common in childhood is that it happens because children have ---- SWS than adults.


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Card 8


Who suggested that that system that normally inhibits motor activity in SWS isn't sufficiently developed in some children & it may also be underdeveloped in some adults?


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Card 9


Who examined the motor excitability of adult sleepwalkers during wakefulness & found, compared to normal controls, the sleepwalkers had signs of immaturity in the relevant neural circuits?


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Card 10


Who found the prevalence of sleep walking in 1st degree relatives (parents, siblings & children) of an affected subject is at least 10 times greater than that in the general population?


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Card 11


Who reported about 50% concordance in identical (MZ) twins compared to 10-15%% in DZ twins, and also identified a gene that may be critical in sleep walking (the DQB1*05 gene)?


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Card 12


The diathesis-stress model proposes that genes merely provide a ------------- (diathesis) for a disorder but the disorder only occurs in situations of environmental stress, which seems likely in the case of sleep walking.


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Card 13


Who studied people who were referred to a sleep lab for suspected SW? In the lab participants were prevented from falling asleep. 1st night = 50% showed signs of SW. 2nd night = 90%. Sleep deprivation doesn't lead to SW & was acting as a 'stressor'.


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Card 14


The diathesis-stress model can also explain the higher frequency of sleep walking in -------- - the higher levels of SWS in childhood acts as a diathesis, so that children are more likely than adults to have episodes of sleep walking.


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Card 15


1 belief about SW is that it results when a person acts out dreams representing repressed traumas & anxieties but the fact that SW occurs during ---- (SWS) sleep means it's unlikely to be associated with dreaming.


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