Explanations for forgetting: retrieval failure

retrieval failure
a form of forgetting. don't have necessary cues to access memory. suitable cue is provided
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trigger of information that allows us to access a memory. cues maybe meaningful or maybe encoded of learning.
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Encoding specificity principle
states that if a cue is to help us to recall information it has to be present at encoding and at retrival
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learning from the material
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recalling the material
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if the encoding and retrieval are different
this means that cues are absent for retrieval there will be some forgetting
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Supporting evidence
range of research supports the retrival failure explanation of forgetting. Godden and Baddeley/Carter and Casady support evidence increases the validity.RF occurs in real life situation as well as highly controlled lab
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Questioning context effects
Baddeley argues context effect not strong (esp reallife) Different context have to be very different. For example learning in one room to another environment not so different. Reallife application of RF due to context don't say much about forgetting
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Recall versus recognition
Kind of memory tested.Godden and Baddeley replicated study but recall instead. Participants say if they recognised the word. There was no context-dependant effect performance was the same in all four conditions. limitation the cues affect certain mem
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Real Life application
Baddeley suggests it has real life application. When you are upstairs in your room and the want to go down to get something. when you go down you forget what you were supposed to get, you go back up and remember because of the environment(context)
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Card 2


trigger of information that allows us to access a memory. cues maybe meaningful or maybe encoded of learning.



Card 3


states that if a cue is to help us to recall information it has to be present at encoding and at retrival


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Card 4


learning from the material


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Card 5


recalling the material


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