Exam Questions: Learning Answers

  • Created by: tmiti
  • Created on: 08-05-15 21:16
Explain how a student could analyse the chromatogram to identify the three a-amino acids present
Calculate Rf values and compare to database
1 of 6
Aspirin has the functional groups Ester and Carboxylic Acid. Suggest a reagent that will react with it.
Na2CO3 (A metal Oxide) will react with the Carboxylic Acid
2 of 6
Paracetamol has the functional groups Amide and Phenol. Suggest a reagent that will react with it.
Br2 will react because of the phenol
3 of 6
Write the formula of the salt formed when C2H5NH2 reacts with ethanoic acid
4 of 6
Write the formula of the salt formed when C2H5NH2 reacts with sulfuric acid
5 of 6
Explain why (CD3)2SO is used as the solvent rather than (CH3)2SO
(CD3)2SO does not absorb
6 of 6

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Card 2


Aspirin has the functional groups Ester and Carboxylic Acid. Suggest a reagent that will react with it.


Na2CO3 (A metal Oxide) will react with the Carboxylic Acid

Card 3


Paracetamol has the functional groups Amide and Phenol. Suggest a reagent that will react with it.


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Card 4


Write the formula of the salt formed when C2H5NH2 reacts with ethanoic acid


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Card 5


Write the formula of the salt formed when C2H5NH2 reacts with sulfuric acid


Preview of the front of card 5
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