Evaluation Cheatsheet

Student Samples
Age bias, Lack of generalisation to wider population
1 of 12
Laboratory Studies
Lack of ecological validity due to artificial settings, demand characteristics possible as participants know they are being observed, lack external validity if the setup cannot be applied to the real world
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Strengths of Lab Studies
Easy to replicate and check reliability, more control over the experiment to measure the effect of the DV and limit extraneous variables from affecting results
3 of 12
Lack of Internal Validity
Anything hat suggests you are not measuring what you want to measure can be argued to affect the results as they lack internal validity
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Lack of Mundane Realism
Do the tasks lack realism? If they are not indicative of real world situations, lack of mundane realism can be used as a criticism
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Gender Bias
The findings may suffer from gender bias if they cannot be applied across both genders and only men or women are involved
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Cultural Bias
Is the study based on the values of one country? Is it based only in one country without considering others and how they may differ? Then you can argue cultural bias
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Correlational Research
Just because two things are linked, it doesn't mean one is causing the other and there could be a third variable involved - the basis of the correlational research argument
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Case Studies
You can't generalise the findings based on one case study; this may be due to individual differences. Case studies provide lots of information or allow you to study something that may normally be difficult (strengths)
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Longitudinal Studies
Allow you to see how a variable can affect people over time (strength), however outside unknown influences may even factor in (also known as extraneous variables)
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Animal Studies
You can't generalise the findings of animals to humans due to differences in anatomy (weakness) - Animal studies however allow you to draw theories and conduct research which would be unethical to conduct on humans, some concerns for animals too
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Temporal Validity/Child of its Times
Were attitudes different to how they are now when the study was conducted? If so, can you argue the same study may produce different results due to this? If so - the study lacks temporal validity as the findings will not generalise beyond that time
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Lack of ecological validity due to artificial settings, demand characteristics possible as participants know they are being observed, lack external validity if the setup cannot be applied to the real world


Laboratory Studies

Card 3


Easy to replicate and check reliability, more control over the experiment to measure the effect of the DV and limit extraneous variables from affecting results


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Anything hat suggests you are not measuring what you want to measure can be argued to affect the results as they lack internal validity


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Do the tasks lack realism? If they are not indicative of real world situations, lack of mundane realism can be used as a criticism


Preview of the back of card 5
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