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Card 6


SUCCESSES OF THE LEAGUE: Upper Silesia (Germany&Poland 1921); Aaland Islands (Sweden&Finland 1921); Invasion of Bulgaria (Greece 1925) THESE SUCCESSIONS GAVE THE LoN A GOOD REPUTATION.


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Card 7


USA DIDN'T JOIN LEAGUE. Reasons? USA didn't like ToV, thought LoN was connected to it; thought it'd be expensive, wanted to stay out of Europe and only worry about their issues (ISOLATIONISM); thought people should be FREE UNDER DEMOCRACY.


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Card 8


(Assembly - each country had 1 vote, only allowed to recommend to council) (Council - met 3 times per year, unless emergency, 5 permanent members, Br,Fr,It,***,Ger 1926, also 4 temp. members) (Secretariat - did work of League like a civil service).


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