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6. One must use what and the formulation to see if an action is permissible?

  • Their heart
  • Reason
  • Their hands
  • Common sense

7. When universalising one must create a maxim such as...

  • Checking that one can play the game they want before playing
  • The action of playing a game loudly at night in the circumstance that it annoys the neighbors with the motive that one wants to
  • Make a catapult for the game they want to play
  • Don't play the game they want

8. Categorical imperatives are...

  • When one does something because they have an obligation to e.g. carrying out one's duty
  • The greatest good
  • When one does something for want e.g. get a job because you want money
  • Actions everyone benefits from

9. Hypothetical imperatives are...

  • The greatest good
  • When one does something because they have an obligation to e.g. carrying out one's duty
  • When one does something for want e.g. get a job because you want money
  • Actions everyone benefits from

10. Which of the following statements accurately describes a contradiction in will?

  • An action that leads to most people not getting what they want
  • An action that is universalisable in that it is logically possible, however using one's reason one will know it is not ideal
  • An action that is not universaliable because it is logically impossible, e.g. would end up with the human race extinct

11. Kantian ethics is teleological

  • False
  • True

12. Which of the following does not have a contradiction in law?

  • Lying to everyone
  • Killing anyone who annoyed you
  • Everyone must always use contraception

13. Which of the following is false about imperfect duties?

  • Shows good will
  • Can always perform them
  • Are things one should do e.g. self development
  • One has an obligation to perform them

14. Perfect duties are ones that involve beahviour you shouldn't perform, such as lying as one can always perform perfect duties

  • True
  • False

15. The third formulation of categorical imperatives is to live as if one is in a kingdom of ends, meaning to treat people as free individuals

  • True
  • False

16. Kant believed one must be concerned with the consequences of an action rather than the action itself

  • False
  • true

17. Reversalisability is...

  • The process of checking whether or not one would want others to do as one has done
  • Repeating what one has just done but backwards
  • Apologisng for actions that went against one's conscience