
Define peace.
The absence of conflict which leads to harmony.
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What are the causes of war.
Replace a corrupt government. Achieve a particular goal. Independence.
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What are the reasons against war.
Many innocent people die. Refugee crisis. Bankruptcy.
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Define Justice
Bringing about what is right and fair, according to law.
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Name one modern war.
Vietnam war. 1959-1975. Communist in the north fought against capitalists in the south. North won.
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Define pacifism.
The belief of people who refuse to take pertain war in any form of violence.
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What are the pacifist beliefs.
They believe in sanctity of life. Meaning that everyone deserves respect. Killing goes their beliefs. War causes suffering. War damages the environment.
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What are the religious beliefs towards peace.
Islams teaches them that in the Qur'an peace and reconciliation are better than fighting. "Paradise is for...those who curb their anger and forgive their fellow men".
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define holy war.
Fighting for a religious cause and controlled by a religious leader
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Define just war.
A war that the christian church defines as acceptable.
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What are the just war conditions.
Self defence Last resort; prior diplomatic talks Avoid evil; freedom Good achieved will outweigh evil Excessive force must not be used Reasonable chance of success Lawfully declared by a proper authority.
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What is holy war.
Fighting for a religious cause. Controlled by a religious leader. Many who take part believe they will gain a spiritual reward. Declared to defend their religion or followers. Some fought to win back a country.
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Religious leaders who supported holy war.
Ayatollah Khomeini: Became Ayatollah in 1920. Arrested in 1962 for outspoken opposition to the pro-Western regime at the time in Iran. Exiled from Iran in 1964. Urged supporters to overthrow the Shah (leader at the time). Government was overthrown.
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What are the religious beliefs towards war.
Christianity: Believe in Just War and its conditions: Self defence Last resort; prior diplomatic talks Avoid evil; freedom Good achieved will outweigh evil Excessive force must not be used Reasonable chance of success.
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What are the other religious beliefs towards war.
Hinduism: War is justified if countries are invaded; self-defence. War is justified if it is a last resort and should have a just cause.
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What are the types of weapons.
Biological, Chemical, Nuclear.
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What are the consequences of war.
Innocent people die. Environment destroyed. Refugees;family separation. Economic crisis; bankruptcy.
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What aid organisation are there for war.
The red cross, Christian aid, Save the children,
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What peace keeping organisation are there.
United Nations (UN): Aim to keep peace throughout the world and develop friendly relations among nations. North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO): Aim to protect and safeguard freedom of its members.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the causes of war.


Replace a corrupt government. Achieve a particular goal. Independence.

Card 3


What are the reasons against war.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define Justice


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name one modern war.


Preview of the front of card 5
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