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6. What did the Palazzo Vidoni Pact of October 1925 do?

  • Provided a framework for industrial relations, bringing the trade unions under Fascist control
  • Tightened press censorship
  • Made strikes illegal

7. Mussolini won the April 1924 election. True or false?

  • True
  • False

8. How did the armed forces feel about Mussolini in 1922?

  • They were all in awe of him, and were immediately loyal
  • They were on the whole ready to cooperate with him. However, there was divisions in opinions within the armed forces.
  • They all hated him and wanted to start an uprising

9. Who out of the following was not one of the Quadrumvirs placed at the head of the March on Rome?

  • Michele Bianchi
  • Mussolini
  • Cesare Maria De Vecchi
  • Emilio De Bono
  • Italo Balbo

10. What happened on the 27th October 1922?

  • Fascist squads seized town halls and railway stations in Milan and Florence
  • The March on Rome
  • Fascist squads seized town halls in Venice

11. What did the Syndical Law (Rocco Law) of 1926 do?

  • Made strikes illegal and laid down the foundations for the Corporate State
  • Brought trade unions under Fascist control
  • Banned opposition political parties

12. The OVRA formed in 1927 was the...

  • The Institution of Propaganda
  • Secret police
  • New Catholic party

13. by the beginning of 1922, the Fascist movement had reached about how many members?

  • 240,000
  • 400,000
  • 140,000
  • 50,000

14. What did the Acerbo Law of 1924 state?

  • The party that gained the most votes, as long as it gained a minimum of 25% would receive 2/3s of the seats
  • The party that gained the most votes as long as it gained a minimum of 25% would gain all of the seats
  • The party that gained the most votes, as long as it got a minimum of 50% got 2/3s of the seats

15. What did Fascists do on the 3rd of August 1922?

  • The March on Rome
  • Stormed into Milan and attacked socialists
  • Take over Italy

16. Who was made prime minister of Italy in February 1922?

  • Luigi Facta
  • Mussolini
  • Ivanoe Bonomi

17. On what date did the March on Rome happen?

  • 30th October 1922
  • 28th October 1922
  • 3rd August 1922
  • 26th October 1922