Essay Vocab for Volver and La Casa de Bernarda Alba

Resulta significativo que
It turns out to be significant that
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esto encaja
this encapsulates
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los hombres están prácticamente ausentes en la película
men are almost absent from the film
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podemos asumir que
we can assume that
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el mundo patriarcal de los hombres
the patriarchal world of men
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se refleja en
is reflected in
6 of 37
es importante que NOS ENTEREMOS DE QUE
it's important that we realise
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crea el sentimiento de
it creates the feeling of
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Ahora bien
now then… (introductory phrase)
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es imprescindible hacer hincapié en el hecho de que
it's vital to emphasise the fact that
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ellas sufren abuso sexual
they suffer sexual abuse
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cuando el papel de cocina se empapa con la sangre
when the kitchen towel is soaked in blood
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oímos el sonido de su cremallera pero no la vemos
we hear the sound of the zipper but we don't see it
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el sonido es más fuerte que la imagen de un pene
the sound is stronger than the sight of a penis
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el rojo llama la atención
red draws our attention
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aparece mucho en esta escena
appears a lot in this scene
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las camisetas rojas que llevan subraya el vínculo entre ellas
the red shirts they wear emphasises the link between them
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no se puede separar su destino colectivo
their collective destiny cannot be separated
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mata A Paco
Kills Paco
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la importancia de la maternidad
the importance of maternity
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Almodóvar insinúa, sin tener que mostrar todo
Almodovar insinuates without having to show everthing
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tal como Raimunda fue violada por su padre
just as Raimunda was ***** by her father
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cuando ellas limpian sus tumbas
when they are cleaning their tombs
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la zarzuela que se oye cuando las mujeres limpian las tumbas
the happy music we hear when the women clean the graves
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los hombres ni se necesitan, ni se echan de menos
men aren't needed and aren't missed
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Todos aman a Pepe
They all love Pepe
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Cuando le dan un colorido abanico
When she is given a colourful fan
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A ella no le gusta
She doesn't like
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A ella le gustaria
She would like
29 of 37
Pepe en realidad nunca habla en la obra
Pepe never actually speaks in the play
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Nos hace cuestionar
It makes us question
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Se les dice que deben estar de luto por 8 años
They are told they have to be in mourning for 8 years
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Solidaridad en las mujeres
solidarity in the women
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García Lorca es bien conocido por su poesía pero también por su trilogía rural con las cuales el dramaturgo representó aspectos de la sociedad española.
García Lorca is well known for his poetry but also for his rural trilogy with which the dramatist represented aspects of Spanish society.
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García Lorca la terminó muy poco antes de su asesinato al comienzo de la Guerra Civil.
García Lorca finished it very shortly before his murder at the beginning of the Civil War
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Hay una diferencia en las clases sociales.
There is a difference in social classes
36 of 37
Ella tiene control sobre todos
She has control over everyone
37 of 37

Other cards in this set

Card 2


this encapsulates


esto encaja

Card 3


men are almost absent from the film


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


we can assume that


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


the patriarchal world of men


Preview of the back of card 5
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