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Card 6


Using Coggle was my main and most beneficial plan, in which it allowed me to concisely demonstrate my points in a reasonable structure. It also helped me to maintain a balance debate by allocating a word count and specific research sources to each section


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Card 7


During writing my report, this was the planning resource that I constantly referred back to.


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Card 8


On the left is a section of my research record table: in the first column is a summary of the source, in the second column is an evaluation of the source, in the third column is the link to the source, the fourth column is the reference,


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Card 9


the fifth column is the date I last accessed the source, and the sixth column is whether I used the source in my final report


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Card 10


On the right is a section of my coggle: the introduction being the heading with an allocated word count


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Card 11


Project management
To manage my time efficiently, I created a weekly planner. This heavily takes into account my other A levels to ensure I didn’t fall behind on them, but it also allowed me to make sufficient progress with writing my report.


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Card 12


The purpose of the planner was to greatly minimise the issue of timing by completing tasks in advance of their deadlines, while making goals that are realistic.


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Card 13


The screenshot shows my weekly timetable. The left hand column states the week that the aims will be completed, the middle column states the aims that will be completed, the right hand column states whether I have completed the aims (if not then why).


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Card 14


Research (key sources)
The article discussing the implications of school-based behavioural screening (published by the Copenhagen Consesus Center) to reduce mental health issues is a key source


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Card 15


because it contains strong research evidence to support the effectiveness of the intervention. It also allowed me to form counter arguments, such as the unrepresentative sample, which questions the validity of the evidence.


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