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6. For an enzyme to work best, what conditions need to be right?

  • Concentration of liquid and temperature
  • Temperature and concentration of liquid.
  • pH and temperature
  • Temperature and space

7. Why won't an enzyme work properly if the temperature is too low?

  • Enzymes channel heat to break up substances.
  • The particles don't have enough energy, so they don't collide often enough.
  • Enzymes can't reproduce in low temperatures.
  • Enzymes will use their energy to produce heat, not to break up the substance.

8. Why won't an enzyme work properly if temperatures are too high?

  • Enzymes reproduce too quickly, and there isn't enough space for them all.
  • The active site loses its shape, becoming denatured.
  • The particles have so much energy that they don't stay in one place long enough for the enzyme to break them down.
  • Enzymes have to use their energy to cool themselves down rather than separating the substances

9. Amylase is secreted in the saliva. Using only this, what roughly pH is it likely to need?

  • pH 14
  • pH 7
  • pH 1
  • Enzymes don't need a certain pH.

10. What does amylase break down?

  • Dairy produce
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fat

11. Protease is secreted in the stomach and requires a pH of about 1. How does the body get this?

  • Protease works in normal conditions, just not at its best.
  • Humans take tablets containing acid to cause acidic conditions in the stomach.
  • Hydrochloric acid is secreted into the stomach.
  • The acidic things we eat (eg lemon juice, vinegar) remains in the stomach to provide these conditions.

12. What is the purpose of bile?

  • To emulsify fats and neutralise stomach acid
  • To break down fats
  • To carry enzymes
  • To absorb the broken-down food

13. Where is bile made and stored?

  • Made in the pancreas, stored in the gall bladder
  • Made in the liver, stored in the gall bladder.
  • Made in the gall bladder, stored in the liver.
  • Made in the gall bladder, stored in the pancreas.