Other questions in this quiz

2. An enzyme works best at or near its optimum temperature and pH

  • True
  • False

3. Which of the following is incorrect

  • cold temperatures inactivate enzymes
  • cold temperatures are perfect for all enzymes
  • Extreme pH denatures an enzyme
  • High temperatures denature an enzyme

4. The enzyme lipase catalyses the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide.

  • False
  • True

5. At temperatures below their optimum, enzymes ___ their reaction rate for every ___ increase in temperature

  • half their reaction rate for every 5 degree increase
  • double their reaction rate for every 10 degree increase
  • none of the above, it is a random process
  • half their reaction rate for every 10 degree increase
  • double their reaction rate for every 5 degree increase




A challenging but good set of questions on enzymes and the digestive system.  These will need knowledge of the use of enzymes in industry which is not included in some specifications.

Muskaan Mujahid


A very good quiz regarding the details of enzymes.



A great quiz to use for revising!This has helped me to know what I need to work on for my upcoming test.Thank you!:D



I'll just do this quick enzymes quiz... WHAT IN THE POGBA?!!!?? 27 QUESTIONS!!!!!!?????!!

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