
  • Created by: sharonn.0
  • Created on: 18-04-22 14:19
what is an enzyme?
biological catalyst to speed up the rate of reaction without being used up
1 of 13
steps of a catalysed enzyme
step 1 - enzyme and substrate move randomly
step 2 - when an enzyme and its complementary shape randomly collide, an enzyme- subtrade forms
step 3 - a product forms and it is released from active site
2 of 13
what is denaturation?
active site loses its shape and bonds are broken
3 of 13
what causes denaturation
high temperature and extreme pH
4 of 13
What is optimum temperature in the human body
37 degrees
5 of 13
how does temperature affect enzyme activity
as temperature increases enzyme activity increases
- because there is more kinetic energy, so enzymes more around faster and there are more frequent collisions
6 of 13
what is the optimum pH for humans
pH 7
7 of 13
rate calculation
8 of 13
what is the purpose of digestion?
to break down large, insoluble molecules into smaller, soluble molecules that can be absorbed into the bloodstream
9 of 13
what are digestive enzymes
carbohydrase, protease and lipase
10 of 13
what do carbohydrase break down
carbohydrates into simple sugars
11 of 13
what do protease break down
proteins into amino acids
12 of 13
what do lipase break down
lipids to glycerol and fatty acids
13 of 13

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Card 2


steps of a catalysed enzyme


step 1 - enzyme and substrate move randomly
step 2 - when an enzyme and its complementary shape randomly collide, an enzyme- subtrade forms
step 3 - a product forms and it is released from active site

Card 3


what is denaturation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what causes denaturation


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Card 5


What is optimum temperature in the human body


Preview of the front of card 5
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