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6. Having a small captive population for beeding is a problem because...

  • A combination of 2 of the above
  • There is a narrow gene pool
  • Animals will have to inbreed
  • Mutations will occur

7. What is meant by a narrow range of tolerance?

  • The range of abiotic conditions an organism can tolerate without getting angry
  • Survival within a narrow range of conditions e.g. pH, the larger the range of tolerance, the more likely an organism is to survive.
  • Survival within a narrow range of conditions e.g. pH, the narrower the range of tolerance, the more likely an organism is to survive.
  • The average number of offsrping per female of the adult population throughout their life

8. Why may the conservation of migratory birds be less successful than the conservation of other organisms?

  • All of the above
  • More than one suitable habitat is required
  • Natural hazards enroute like storms and human hazards enroute like wind turbines
  • Poor condition on arrival due to a shortage of food/water enroute

9. An area of tropical rainforest with a large amount of forest margin exposed is said to have...

  • A high edge effect
  • Lots of species (a high diversity)
  • Few trees
  • A high requirement for biological corridor

10. The qovernment funding project aimed at helping land owners to manage their land for wildlife is called...

  • The environmental stewardship scheme
  • Agri-Environmental Schemes
  • The environment agency