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6. Jems decision to tell Atticus about Dill's presence in the house tells us that...

  • He has matured and knows that this is the right thing to do
  • He no longer wants to be friends with Dill
  • He is a snitch
  • He wants to hurt Scouts feelings

7. How does Miss Maudie describe the young boy she remembers Arthur Radley to have been?

  • Rude and ill-mannered
  • Well spoken and polite
  • Absolutely horrid
  • Shy and withdrawn

8. Who does Atticus proclaim ' the disgrace of Maycomb'?

  • Heck Tate
  • The Ewells
  • Tom Robinson
  • The Cunninghams

9. Who is Dill talking about when he says 'maybe he doesn't have anywhere to run off to'

  • Bob Ewell
  • Jem Finch
  • Arthur Radley
  • Walter Cunningham