English quotes

"i can't afford to make idle people merry"
modal verb "can't" is ironic as he can, linking afford and merry linking money to happiness, noun phrase idle people shows his oblivious views on the poor - industrail revolution and malfas no jobs and poor law, "fog and darkness thickened"
1 of 12
"solitary as an oyster"
similie, solitary - lonely and rare, hard exterior meaning hard for him to change his ways, pearl inside foreshadowing him becoming a better man
2 of 12
"decrease the surplus population"
views on the poor are really wrong, noun phrase surplus population, adjective surplus indicates that they are access and not needed
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"fog and darkness thickened"
abstract noun darkness indicates that he can't see the problems/blind, verb thickened metaphorically means that his views are becoming worse
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"another idol has displaced me"
showing that he cares about money more than he cares about his loved ones and ends up loosing them
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"let me profit by it"
shows that he wants to change now, verb profit shows that he isnt completely changed, links to "half thawed, half frozen"
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"small pudding for a large family"
shows that family is important and how they are all very apprietiative even though they have close to nothing, the smallest things means the most to them
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"with a yawn"
shows that people arent that bothered about scrooges death ironic as he doesnt know they are on about him also links to "cheap funeral"
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"neglected grave"
noun phrase shows that money doesnt matter when your dead and he has no one to look after his grave as he was so driven by money
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"im as merry as a schoolboy"
ironic as when he was in school he was a "solitary child" meaning that he didnt have a very pleasent school life
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"no fog no mist"
the pathetic fallacy throughout the novella has finally changed to positive as he gave a "great many back payments" to he charity workers and this links to "golden sunlight"
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"raise your salary"
helping "endeavour your struggling family" showing that he now finally sees that the poor are actual real people and wants to help them and became a "second father" to tiny tim and no he is happier for it all
12 of 12

Other cards in this set

Card 2


"solitary as an oyster"


similie, solitary - lonely and rare, hard exterior meaning hard for him to change his ways, pearl inside foreshadowing him becoming a better man

Card 3


"decrease the surplus population"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"fog and darkness thickened"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"another idol has displaced me"


Preview of the front of card 5
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