English literature

  • Created by: Poppy__B
  • Created on: 14-02-19 11:08
"But nothing happened"
1 of 12
"Merciless iced east wind that knive us"
2 of 12
600 men were sent into battle with no one knowing what was about to happen to them.
The charge of the light brigade.
3 of 12
Which poem is about a higher class owning everything and the lower class being controlled by those who have money.
4 of 12
What poem did Ted Hughes write
Bayonet charge
5 of 12
London: What does the quote "I wandered through each chartered street" suggest.
The adjective 'chartered' is repeated it suggests that the whole city (even the streets and rivers) are owned by the rich and powerful
6 of 12
War photographer: "In his dark room he is finally alone"
The noun "darkroom", whilst referencing his photo studio, establishes the brooding and "dark" tone of the poem itself. the adjective 'Finally' suggests that the photographer has begun the process of developing.
7 of 12
"His blood shadow stays on the street"
Remains- He can still see the enemy blood shadow of the point where he died on the road, its stuck in his mind.
8 of 12
"Maps too. The sun shines through their borderlines".
Tissue- this suggests that nature is more powerful than any man made object.
9 of 12
Wilfred Owen wrote what poem?
10 of 12
There was once a country...
The emigree- this implies that the country may have been destroyed or it has disappeared.
11 of 12
It may now be a lie, banned by the state but I can't get it off my tongue.
The emigree- She is not aloud to speak her language in her new country she moved to.
12 of 12

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Card 2




"Merciless iced east wind that knive us"

Card 3


The charge of the light brigade.


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Card 4




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Card 5


Bayonet charge


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