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Card 16


How many crown courts are there in England and Wales?

How many cases do they deal with annually?

Who presides the court and what is their role?

Who else sits in the crown court and what is their role?


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Card 17


Which offences does the Crown Court hear?

What other work including the magistrates court does the crown court deal with?


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Card 18


What appeals are made to the crown court?

Who joins the crown court when hearing these appeals?

What does the defendant automatically have to have the case heard entirely?


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Card 19


What option do judges have when hearing an appeal from the magistrates court to the crown court? - conviction

What option do judges have when hearing an appeal from the magistrates court to the crown court? - sentence


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Card 20


What appeals are heard in the court of appeal?

What must be given to the defendant in order to appeal to this court?

What rare circumstances allow the prosecution to appeal to this court?


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Card 21


What option do judges have when hearing an appeal from the crown court to the crown court? - appeal + conviction

What option do judges have when hearing an appeal from the crown court to the crown court? - sentence


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Card 22


What appeals do the queens bench division hear?

What must the raised point be of?

Who decides on the fact of the case?

More usually, who is the case sent to?

What can the judges do?


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Card 23


What two groups of people does the supreme court hear appeals from?

What must the raised point be of?

What are some examples of cases like this?


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Card 24


What is the route of appeal if the case started in the magistrates court?


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Card 25


What is the route of appeal if the case is initially decided in the crown court?


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