Energy from hydrogen

Using hydrogen to release energy.

What do hydrogen and water give out when they react?
Energy and water
1 of 13
Is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen endo or exothermic?
2 of 13
In what can you react hydrogen and oxygen to release energy?
Combustion engine or fuel cell
3 of 13
What is a pro of hydrogen as a fuel?
Clean, only forms water, not pollutant
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What is con of hydrogen as a fuel?
Need a special expensive engine, hard to store hydrogen safely (very explosive), still need energy from another source
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What is a fuel cell?
An electrical cell that is supplied with a fuel and oxygen and uses energy from the reaction between them to generate electricity.
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In what type of fuel cell can hydrogen be used?
A hydrogen-oxygen fuel cell
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Why and when were fuel cells developed?
1960s > part of space programme, to provide electrical power for spacecraft, more practical than solar cells and safer than nuclear power
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Why is fuel cell unlike a battery?
fuel cell doesn't run down or need recharging from mains. It produces energy in form of electricity and heat as long as fuel supplied.
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What does the car industry want to replace with fuel cells?
Petrol/ diesel engines
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Why are fuel cells especially good in cities regarding pollution?
don't produce conventional pollutants- no greenhouse gasses, no nitrogen oxides, no sulfur dioxide, no carbon monoxide. Only heat and water.
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What would fuel cells eventually help countries to become less dependent on?
Crude oil
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Why won't fuel cells end conventional power stations and reduce dependence on fossil fuels?
hydrogen > gas, takes up more space than liquid fuels (e.g.petrol); very explosive, made from hydrocarbons (fossil fuels) or by electrolysis of water (uses electricity)
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Is the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen endo or exothermic?



Card 3


In what can you react hydrogen and oxygen to release energy?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a pro of hydrogen as a fuel?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is con of hydrogen as a fuel?


Preview of the front of card 5
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