
  • Created by: imafish
  • Created on: 13-05-19 18:21
What is a kinetic energy store?
Energy an object has because it is moving
1 of 25
What is a gravitational energy store?
Energy an object has because it has been raised up high
2 of 25
What is a thermal energy store?
Energy an object has because of the movement of its particles
3 of 25
What is a chemical energy store?
Energy stored in a fuel, food or battery because of the chemical bonds
4 of 25
What is an elastic energy store?
Energy stored in an object because it has been stretched or squashed
5 of 25
What is a nuclear energy store?
Energy stored in the atomic nucleus
6 of 25
State 3 ways energy can be transferred between objects
Light (electromagnetic radiation) sound, electric current
7 of 25
Define "specific heat capacity"
The energy needed to heat 1kg by 1 degree centigrade
8 of 25
What is "dissipation"?
When energy spreads out and can't be used
9 of 25
What is a "closed system"?
A group of objects which energy is prevented from leaving or entering
10 of 25
What happens to the amount of energy in a closed system?
It remains constant
11 of 25
Give the formula for efficiency
Efficiency = Useful energy out/ total energy in
12 of 25
What is an "energy resource"?
An energy store that can be transferred usefully
13 of 25
What is a renewable energy source?
An energy resource that can be replenished and won't run out
14 of 25
What is a non-renewable energy source?
An energy resource that can't be replenished
15 of 25
State 7 renewable energy resources
Wind, tidal, hydroelectric, wave, solar, geothermal, biomass
16 of 25
State 3 non-renewable energy resources
Coal, crude oil, natural gas
17 of 25
What is a fossil fuel?
A fuel made over millions of years from dead plants and animals
18 of 25
State 3 fossil fuels
Coal, crude oil, natural gas
19 of 25
What is "power"?
Rate of energy transfer
20 of 25
What is the formula for gravitational potential energy?
GPE = mgh
21 of 25
What are is the unit for energy?
joules (j)
22 of 25
What is the formula for kinetic energy?
KE = ½mv²
23 of 25
What is the formula relating energy, power and time?
P = E/t
24 of 25
What is the unit of power?
watts (W)
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is a gravitational energy store?


Energy an object has because it has been raised up high

Card 3


What is a thermal energy store?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a chemical energy store?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an elastic energy store?


Preview of the front of card 5
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