
  • Created by: samya_
  • Created on: 03-01-18 15:34
What is etpnthalpy chnage
Heat energy transferrred in a reaction at constant pressure Unit are KJ mol-1
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What is the standard states
100Kpa Pressure 298 K(25 degree Celsius)
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What do you need energy for
To break bonds, so bond breaking is endothermic. Stronger bonds take more energy to break
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When is energy resets
When bonds are formed energy is released, so bond making is exothermic . Stronger bonds reksea more energy when formed
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What is bond enthalpy
The energy required to break bonds
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What is mean bond netjalpy
Average energy needed to break a certain type of bond over a range of compounds
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Equations for enethalpy chnage of reaction using bid enthalugs
Total energy obsorbed- total energy relsead
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What is the standard enthalpl of formation
Entail you chnage when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements in their standard states under standard conditions
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What is th standard enthaloy chnage if combustion
Enthal chnage when one mole of a substance is completely burned in oxygen under standard conditions
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Equations for enthalpt chnage
q= mc delta T
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What does Hess law state
The towel enthalpt chage of recation is independent of the route taken
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How to find enthaloy chnage using calorimetry? Flammable liquids
Burn flammable liquid in calorimeter. As fuel burns it heats water. You can work out heat energy absorbed by the water if know Q=mc delta T ideally all heat given out by fuel as it burns would be abosirbed by water, but always lose heat to surround
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When burn a fuel some combustion may be incomplete . Flammable liquids are often quite volatile too, so you may lose some fuel to evaporation
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How to use calorimetry to measure enthakoy chnage sin solution
E.g. Neutralisation add known volume of acid to insulated container and measure Theo. Then add known volume of alkali and record temp of mixture at regular intervals. Find temp change and calculate enthrall ychngas Q= mc de,ta T
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Card 2


What is the standard states


100Kpa Pressure 298 K(25 degree Celsius)

Card 3


What do you need energy for


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When is energy resets


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is bond enthalpy


Preview of the front of card 5
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