employee/employer relationships

employment law
minimum wage, no discrimination, working hours, age of employment
1 of 10
equality act 2010
illegal to discriminate against applicants/employees
2 of 10
pay and conditions
equal pay for the same job, 4 weeks minimum paid holiday, paid sick leave, healthy and safe working conditions, all employees allowed to be in a trade union, parents allowed paid maternity/paternity leave
3 of 10
leaving employment
employers can make employees redundant, employers can dismiss employees for breaches of rules, if employees decide to leave they have to hand in a notice (4 weeks)
4 of 10
benefits of employment law
ensures employees are treated fairly so won't leave, prevents conflict, stops bad reputation, ethical, motivates employees, less likelihood of strikes
5 of 10
drawbacks of employment law
have to pay employees even when they aren't working, redundancy can lead to a bad reputation, some may ignore the law and be taken to court, increases cost, takes time/effort to monitor
6 of 10
appraisal and training
looking at the skills the employees have, setting targets and monitoring them
7 of 10
sharing ideas, sending and receiving messages
8 of 10
working environment
the location of the job and should be safe e.g. warehouse
9 of 10
employee reward schemes
reward the employees for good work and helps to keep them motivated e.g. bonuses
10 of 10

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Card 2


illegal to discriminate against applicants/employees


equality act 2010

Card 3


equal pay for the same job, 4 weeks minimum paid holiday, paid sick leave, healthy and safe working conditions, all employees allowed to be in a trade union, parents allowed paid maternity/paternity leave


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Card 4


employers can make employees redundant, employers can dismiss employees for breaches of rules, if employees decide to leave they have to hand in a notice (4 weeks)


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Card 5


ensures employees are treated fairly so won't leave, prevents conflict, stops bad reputation, ethical, motivates employees, less likelihood of strikes


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