Other questions in this quiz

2. but now i ___ out me own ___ i ___ out me ____

  • but now i checking out me own history i carving out me identity
  • hhbb

3. there one was a ____ i left as a ___ but my ___ of it is ____ clear

  • there once was a country i left as a child but my memory of it is sunlight clear
  • there once was a place i left as a young but my thought of it is sunlight clear
  • there once was a place i left as a girl but my life of it is sunlight clear

4. they ____ him as though he no ____ ____

  • they treated him as though he no longer excisted
  • gfgfvf

5. it may be at __ it may be sick with ___ but i am ___ by an ___ of ___

  • it may be at war it may be sick with tyrants but i am branded by an impression of sunlight
  • it may be at home it may be sick with love but i am branded by an memory of life


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