Elizabethan England: Political issues

  • Created by: JacubL
  • Created on: 04-02-21 12:25
When was Elizabeth's coronation and how old was she?
It was in 1558 and she was 24 years old
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Why was Elizabeth taking over at a time of crisis in 1558?
Because it was straight after her sister, Mary I (Mary Tudor) died after having punished Protestants for so long
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When were the 10 years of relative peace?
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Which gentleman was promoted from MP to Privy Council to Queen's private secretary and chief minister by 1570?
Sir William Cecil
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What happened in 1568 to start causing political trouble?
Mary, Queen of Scots arrives in England and is arguably a more legitimate heir to the throne
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What rebellion in 1569 was caused due to a loss of political power?
The Northern Rebellion
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In 1570 what happened to inspire more rebellion from Catholics?
The Papal Bull
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Who was executed in 1571 due to the Ridolfi plot?
The Duke of Norfolk
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What event made the Puritans in Elizabeth's government more concerned about the threat of Catholics and of Mary and made them want to increase fines and punishments against them?
The Saint Bartholomew's day massacre in France in 1572
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Who, in 1573, was appointed the Queen's principal secretary as well as acting as Cecil's spymaster and the personal protector of Queen Elizabeth with a network of spies in England and Europe after witnessing St Bart's day massacre?
Sir Francis Walsingham
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What did Walsingham and Leicester (usually political enemies) both agree on in 1581 and pressured the Queen about in the Privy Council?
That the Queen is under real threat from the Catholics
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What group was created in 1583?
The Bond of Association
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Which Earl (Queen's favourite) died in 1589 after leading an army at Tilbury against the armada (died of dysentery), allowing his stepson to become the Queen's new favourite?
The Earl of Leicester and his stepson was the Earl of Essex
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Who's death created the political vacuum in 1598?
William Cecil
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Which sons were fighting for the Queen's favour in 1598 after the death of William Cecil?
Robert Devereux (Earl of Essex, stepson of Leicester) and Robert Cecil (William Cecil's son)
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What did the Earl of Essex do to anger the Queen and be punished with fines in 1599?
He created a peace treaty with the Irish rebels instead of destroying them as the Queen asked when he was sent to Ireland
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What event led to Cecil winning political power over Essex once and for all?
The Essex rebellion, where the Earl tries to get Cecil sacked, in 1601 is a failure as he only gets the support of 200 gentry and knights in London as most remain loyal to the Queen, Cecil then rushes the trial so the Queen doesn't change her mind and par
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What happened to Robert Cecil in 1602?
He becomes the leading Privy Councillor and is the Queen's most senior adviser, although he does start writing secret letters to James VI of Scotland (the next heir) as the Queen is old.
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In 1603 what happens to Elizabeth?
She dies and Robert Cecil organises the transfer of power over to James 1 (previously James VI of Scotland)
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Card 2


Why was Elizabeth taking over at a time of crisis in 1558?


Because it was straight after her sister, Mary I (Mary Tudor) died after having punished Protestants for so long

Card 3


When were the 10 years of relative peace?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which gentleman was promoted from MP to Privy Council to Queen's private secretary and chief minister by 1570?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened in 1568 to start causing political trouble?


Preview of the front of card 5
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