Electromagnetic spectrum


1. which of the following is a correct statement about microwaves and ultraviolet?

  • Microwaves and ultraviolet are longitudinal waves
  • Microwaves have a higher frequency than ultraviolet
  • Microwaves and ultrawaves are transverse waves
  • Microwaves have a shorter wavelength than ultraviolet
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2. Which waves in the electromagnetic spectrum have the highest frequency

  • gamma rays
  • x-rays
  • ultraviolet rays

3. Which waves in the electromagnetic spectrum have the longest wavelengths

  • radio waves
  • microwaves
  • infrared

4. What are two properties that all electromagnetic waves have

  • Transverse waves and all travel at different speed in a vacuum
  • Tranverse waves and all travel at the same speed in a vacuum
  • Longitudinal waves and all travel at different speeds in a vacuum
  • Longitudinal waves and all travel at the same speed in a vacuum

5. Filament lamps give out visible and infrared electromagnetic radiation. Which of the following statements explains what happens when an object is lit up by a lamp?

  • both radiations arrive at the same time because they travel at the same speed
  • the visible light arrives first because it travels faster than infrared light
  • the infrared light arrives first because it travels faster than visible light
  • both radiations arrive at the same time because they have the same frequency


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