Electrolysis and Covalent bonding

what state do the substances need to be in for electrolysis ? Why ?
molten or dissolved so they can conduct electricity
1 of 11
what does electrolysis require
2 of 11
cation and anion, which one is positive and which one is negative
cation is positive anion is negative
3 of 11
what are the rods made out of for electrolyis ?
4 of 11
what kind of current is used for electrolysis ?
5 of 11
for electrolysis what is loosed and what is gained? OILRIG
oxidation is loosed and reduction is gained
6 of 11
what is the order of discharge at the cathode and anode. Remember at the anode the simplest ion will discharge first
for the anode its : chlorine, hydroxide, sulfate. for the cathode its: copper, hydrogen, sodium.
7 of 11
how can you tell the number of outer electrons for covalent bonding?
look at the atomic number
8 of 11
why does oxygen have a low boiling point ?
it has weak covalent bonds between the oxygen atoms
9 of 11
what is the structure of diamond Carbon atoms)
one carbon atom strongly bonded to 4 other carbon atoms
10 of 11
what is a covalent bond
when a non-metal shares electrons with a metal to get to a stable state
11 of 11

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Card 2


what does electrolysis require



Card 3


cation and anion, which one is positive and which one is negative


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Card 4


what are the rods made out of for electrolyis ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what kind of current is used for electrolysis ?


Preview of the front of card 5
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