Electric charge

  • Created by: AIV17
  • Created on: 28-04-21 09:08
Which are the types of electrical charge?
Positive and negative
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What happens with between unlike charges and like charges?
Unlike charges attract and that like charges repel
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How do you investigate electrostatic charges?
Select acrylic, polythene or glass rods. Rub a rod with a woollen cloth, then hang it. Rub another rod and bring one end close to an end of the 1st rod
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What happens when an object is being charged?
Electrons pass from one material to another, as they are weakly attached to the atoms
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How are the 2 objects once charged?
One is positive and the other is negative
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What does a charged object attract?
Uncharged objects when brought close to it
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How is an uncharged object in terms of charge?
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What will happen to the uncharged object?
If the charged object is +, the - charge of the neutral object gets attracted, joining them together
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What is an electric field?
A region in which an electric charge experiences a force
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What is electric charge measured in?
coulombs (C)
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What is the difference between electrical conductors and insulators?
A conductor allows charge to flow through it whereas an insulator does not allow it
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Which are common conductors?
Metals, graphite
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Which are common insulators?
Polymers, minerals, glass
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happens with between unlike charges and like charges?


Unlike charges attract and that like charges repel

Card 3


How do you investigate electrostatic charges?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens when an object is being charged?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How are the 2 objects once charged?


Preview of the front of card 5
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