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6. In whatyear did the Government introduce the Means Test?

  • 1940
  • 1931
  • 1930
  • 1941

7. The Special Areas Act in 1934 was passed and this offered grants so that companies would move to special areas, which were the areas that were worst affected by the Wall Street Crash.

  • True
  • False

8. Why did woman suffer worst of all by unemplyment.

  • They were the first to be laid off.
  • They were too fat.

9. National Insurance on covered the worker of the household. True or False?

  • True
  • False

10. What was the worst affected town from the depression?

  • Jarrow
  • London
  • Brighton
  • Carlisle

11. The________ Crusade marched to London led by the Mayor in their best clothes and they recieved great support from the public.

  • Brighton
  • Jarrow
  • Carlisle
  • London

12. This Crusade recieved little sympathy from the Government.

  • True
  • False